This website is a landing page for things by E. Allain (who is a person and not a brand).

E. Allain is me: Emma. I live in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia and went to NSCAD University before the pandemic. I make artist's books & printed matter but I am also a professional book designer and bookseller. Books: they are great, in my opinion! I hope you agree.

Some Links:
→ If you would like to see a more thorough catalogue of things I have made, including my professional design work, please check out my other website at
→ You can follow me on instagram: @e.allain
I will be at the Vancouver Art Book Fair, co-tabling with Copy Shop Books, July 26-27, 2024.
I was at the Halifax Art Book Fair in April 2024 (it was amazing).
→ Feel free to send me an email: eallainartist at gmail dot com
Click through for some images of my printed matter work → → → → → → → → → →